PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備
PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備,真的不錯,人氣蠻不錯,看完後有一種說不出的感動!
這款品質穩定,早就是暢銷的明星商品 ,給小雅看她也說這售價真的蠻合理的。
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PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備 開箱文 博客來網路書店
Levels 8/9 Yellow/Blue
Key learning Area Science
Theme Animals and Care of a Pet
Text Type Information Report博客來網路書局
Text Form Reference
Genre Non-fiction
Purpose To present information that classifies living or non-living things
Text Structure
博客來網路書店General Statement: Identifies and classifies the subject (Pages 2–3)
Description: Provides information about the subject’s physical appearance and other characteristics (Pages 4–15)
Evaluation: Provides a summary statement about the subject (Page 16)
Language Features
?Common nouns (e.g. bird, cage, door)
?Pronouns (e.g. it, they)
?Adjectives (e.g. little, good, clean)
?Past tense verbs (e.g. eat, are, fly)
PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備 好書推薦 博客來網路書店
- 新功能介紹 作者: Heather Hammonds
- 出版社:東華 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2015/04/13
- 語言:英文
PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備 評比 博客來網路書局
PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備
PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備推薦,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備討論,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備比較評比,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備開箱文,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備部落客
PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備那裡買,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備價格,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備特賣會,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備評比,PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備部落客 推薦
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PM Writing 1 Yellow-Blue 8-9 Pet Budgies好禮必備