會員獨享ZEUS SENSOR AND NUMEROLOGY(紫微西經與數字學【英文版】)心得
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會員獨享ZEUS SENSOR AND NUMEROLOGY(紫微西經與數字學【英文版】)心得曾在博客來 網路書店造成搶購熱潮。
內容簡介: Validity is the key to any metaphysical study, and Zeus Sensor’s adherence to a natural clock and calendar is what makes it authentic and is the secret to its accuracy. It connects the natural energy of our birth time as discovered in our Body Source Code, with simple numbers and colors. These numbers can be identified in other people and things, as well. They are innate and identifiable, allowing us to make choices that enhance different aspects of life. This energy is also internal and external, and by assigning it numbers, we can better match our energy with the energy in our home and work environments. Numbers can describe unique sets of personality traits and can explain the behaviors of people we interact with, improving the chances of understanding.
Every number contains a definition or story that is unique to a person, place, thing or time. The energy of the numbers and colors are all around us, and obviously, have influence on us. The better we know the definitions and emotions of each, the more easily we can create a harmonious balance in our lives.
Unlike traditional forms of Numerology, which add or reduce larger sets of numbers,Zeus Sensor Numerology correlates the 10 singular numbers of 0-9 to the Five Elementsof Earth, Metal, Water, Wood, and Fire. Adding a Yin and Yang polarity to each elementcreates a matching ten-components. Users of our books and mobile apps can identifythe innate energy that comprises our Body and Soul, as well as recognizing the natural,cyclical energy in our environment.
Using the traditional Eastern theory of Bazi or Body Source Code, Zeus Sensor revealsthe distinctive energy in the universe at our birth time and birthplace that comprises ourconfiguration. This innate psychological and physiological energy can be manipulatedthrough the use of numbers and colors to create personal balance and harmony.
博客來書店博客來網路書局Using the traditional Eastern theory of timekeeping based on the 10 Heavenly Stemsand 12 Earthly Branches, Zeus Sensor applies a singular number and color to each ofthe 60 components of a clock or calendar. This external energy is not ongoing andirregular; instead it is cyclical and predictable.
Zeus Sensor And Numerology removes all arithmetic, matching a singular number to thenatural components of our birth time and place using Body Source Code. With the useof numbers and colors based on the Five Elements, we can easily manipulate our innate
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- 新功能介紹 作者: Buddy Huang, Bret Taylor
- 出版社:韋燁國際投資有限公司 新功能介紹
- 出版日期:2016/11/02
- 語言:英文
會員獨享ZEUS SENSOR AND NUMEROLOGY(紫微西經與數字學【英文版】)心得
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會員獨享ZEUS SENSOR AND NUMEROLOGY(紫微西經與數字學【英文版】)心得